Chronic oedema

Chronic oedema is a term used to describe a group of conditions characterised by swelling that has been persistent for longer than three months.

Chronic oedema results when the lymphatic system fails to keep a balance between the fluid in the tissues and the circulation, leading to fluid collection in the limb and the development of swelling. Left unchecked, the swelling can worsen and lead to the development of skin changes and complications. Read the information below to find out more about chronic oedema and what you can do to manage it.

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Chronic oedema
Chronic oedema
If you have swelling of your legs or feet lasting longer than three months, it could be chronic oedema. Here we describe the signs and symptoms and how to seek help.
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Chronic oedema
Chronic oedema
Do you suffer from swelling of your legs or feet? If it has been present for longer than 3  months, it could be chronic oedema. Read on to find out more about this common, but underrecognised condition, and how you can get help to manage it.
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