
People with disorders of the venous and/or lymphatic systems will see a number of gradual changes occur to their skin with time, these can be mild, moderate or severe.

The sooner skin changes are noticed, the sooner steps can be taken to stop them progressing. Here we describe common symptoms, how to identify and manage them, and when to seek help.

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Leaky legs or lymphorrhea can have a major impact on quality of life, often leaving sufferers in pain and discomfort. Find out what causes the problem, and what can be done to manage it.
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For people with venous leg ulcers, the threat of recurrence is never far away, leading to stress and uncertainty. Here we explain some of the causes of recurrence and how you can takes steps to avoid it from happening to you.
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Itchy skin can cause irritation and discomfort, especially if it is underneath your compression garment. Here we present top tips for banishing your itch!
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Itchy skin can drive you to distraction and can be really annoying, especially if it is underneath your compression garment. Here we present top tips for banishing your itch!
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