Healthy lifestyle

Good health is not just the absence of disease or illness, it is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being. 

There is a lot of infomration available about healthy living, including eating a balanced diet, maintaining a healthy weight, exercise, getting plenty of rest, quitting smoking and drinking less alcohol. Read on to find out how you can live your best healthy life.
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My healthy lifestyle
My healthy lifestyle
Jigsaws are a great way to escape from the world for as little or as long as you want, and all from the comfort of your home. Not only are they a great way to pass time, but jigsaw puzzles have many health benefits for your mind too!
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My healthy lifestyle
My healthy lifestyle
If you are living with a long-term condition, it may have a negative effect on your mental wellbeing. However, help is available to help you find the right treatment for both body and mind.
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My healthy lifestyle
My healthy lifestyle
During the summer months and warm weather, we are all vulnerable to pesky insect bites. For people with lymphoedema or vulnerable skin, however, insect bites are a cause for concern, as they can quickly lead to infection. Here we offer some advice on how to battle the bugs!
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My healthy lifestyle
My healthy lifestyle
When you make the decision to stop smoking, there are some immediate benefits to your health and some that are more long-term. There is no doubt, however, that quitting is good for your health!
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My healthy lifestyle
My healthy lifestyle
Reading is a pastime that can help you to escape to another world, without leaving your house! Reading regularly has lots of benefits for both body and mind.
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My healthy lifestyle
My healthy lifestyle
When it comes to improving your mobility, even the smallest amount of activity can help. Here are some exercises that you can do in the comfort of your home or office to improve your movement in a few easy steps.
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My healthy lifestyle
My healthy lifestyle
Spending time in nature can have a positive effect on both your physical and mental health. Here, we describe some of the benefits of spending time in the great outdoors.
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My healthy lifestyle
My healthy lifestyle
Whether you are relaxing or on the move, here are some top tips to get your blood moving and help to improve the health of your lower limbs.
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My healthy lifestyle
My healthy lifestyle
Reading is known to have a positive impact on both mental and physical health, and these benefits last a lifetime. Here we explain how regular reading leads to greater wellbeing.
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My healthy lifestyle
My healthy lifestyle
Latest news and features from charities.
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My healthy lifestyle
My healthy lifestyle
Walking is a great way to improve health and wellbeing. Its easy, completely free and you can set the pace. So, grab your shoes, get going and head for the great outdoors!
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My healthy lifestyle
My healthy lifestyle
Repetitive tasks and skin injury often result in worsening of arm lymphoedema in people who have had breast cancer treatment. Here we offer advice on how to protect your limb while gardening in the great outdoors.
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My healthy lifestyle
My healthy lifestyle
The Eatwell Guide provides advice on what and how much to eat in order to maintain a healthy diet. Aim to achieve balance over the course of a day, or even a week, to feel the benefits.
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My healthy lifestyle
My healthy lifestyle
Forest bathing has hit the headlines in the UK recently, when the Woodland Trust suggested it should be recommended by GPs to boost wellbeing. The Japanese have practiced it for
years, so what is forest bathing, and what are its benefits?
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My healthy lifestyle
My healthy lifestyle
If you have lymphoedema in your arm following breast cancer treatment, swimming can have lots of benefits for your health and wellbeing. However, there are steps you can take to get the most from your swim. Here, we explain what they are!
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My healthy lifestyle
My healthy lifestyle
Walking is great for mind, body and soul. If you enjoy take a stroll outside, you might want to consider Nordic walking, a full body work out for all ages and fitness levels.
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My healthy lifestyle
My healthy lifestyle
Self care can improve your quality of life and independence by putting you in charge of decisions about your health. Taking ownership helps your condition to fit into your life, rather than taking it over.
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My healthy lifestyle
My healthy lifestyle
The Coronavirus outbreak means that many of us are spending more time at home, experiencing changes to our normal routine and facing uncertainty. However, there are
things we can do to stay mentally well during this trying time.
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My healthy lifestyle
My healthy lifestyle
If you are lucky enough to have a garden, you may already be aware that gardening can make you happier and has health benefits too.
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My healthy lifestyle
My healthy lifestyle
The Eatwell Guide provides advice on what and how much to eat in order to maintain a healthy diet. Aim to achieve balance over the course of a day, or even a week, to feel the benefits.
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My healthy lifestyle
My healthy lifestyle
Walking and moving your legs and feet gets your blood pumping without putting a strain on your heart or joints. If you move while wearing your compression, it helps it to work more effectively!
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